Collected information
This forum is based on NodeBB, and as such, the following information is collected:
- Your username.
- If you login with discord or google, your email address is recorded.
- As any other website you enter, your IP is shared with this server.
We don't collect:
- Real name
- Gender
- Localization
- Age
It is your responsability to not give out this information on this forum.
Data download
In the "Rights and consent" section of your profile you can download all data related to you that has been saved to the database.
Data retention
When your account is deleted, your posts are no longer associated with you and all your information is deleted from the database. However, it remains on the forum backups until they are deleted.
Data privacy
We will never share the information stored in these forums with third parties unless required by law. However, since we allow third party embedding of websites like Youtube, Twitter and Twitch, it is possible that you will be tracked by those websites. The use of an adblocker is strongly recommended for web browsing
V v_risalab pinned this topic on