Forum Rules
About this forum
In this forum, bans are warnings, and permabans are issued after multiple rule breaking. If you to talk to the mods, you can use the contact information available on their profiles.
- Be respectful: Don't directly insult anyone, even if you don't think it's offensive. Be respectful when you talk with and about other users.
- Hate speech: Any amount of racism, sexist, transphobia, homophobia, etc. will be met with a ban.
- No brigading: It is forbidden to incite harassment against any individual or group, even if they are not on this forum.
- NSFW content: Don't post any images containing sexual content of any type, this includes posts, avatar, banners and signatures. Sexually suggestive images, like cut out or blured pictures are included in this.
- No callouts: This is not the place for it.
- Piracy: You can talk about it but all linking is prohibited.
- No trolling: Any bad faith discussion or posting with the purpose of baiting reactions will be met with a ban.
- Tag system: This forum has a tag system so you can use for any threads you create. Please make use of it!
- Reporting system: Report any posts that break the rules, do NOT do any backseat modding.
- Private information: Do not post any identifying information, like your real name or your address.
- Keep English discussions in the English forum.
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